livinBio 希望透過輕鬆簡單的影片和講解,灌輸正確健康及生物科技知識。
我們是有著熱誠來推動生物科技產業的香港本地團隊。 我們的團隊中有來自生物科技領域的專才和媒體創作的專才。
我們相信本地的生物科技公司都在改善人們生活上帶有正面的影響, 而它們的科研成果是值得與社會分享。
We are a Hong Kong based team with passion to propagate locally brewed biotechnology products. Our team was formed in 2022 with a combination of biotechnology field insiders and media creators.
We believe that our local biotech companies are bringing a positive impact in making our lives better and their technological advancement is worth sharing.
Bringing the latest biotechnology through daily hot topics to people’s lives is our goal.